Essays on Rengay by Others
This page documents essays that have been written by a variety of authors to promote and celebrate rengay, a collaborative six-verse poetry form invented in 1992. These essays are arranged chronologically, with the earliest essays first. Essays by Michael Dylan Welch are not included here. For a general overview of rengay, please see the About Rengay page. For introductory information, please see Learning Rengay. And for more advanced essays, please see Studying Rengay and Publishing Rengay.
Rengay: Going Solo by Cherie Hunter Day, 1995
Collaboration: Exploring Rengay by Ce Rosenow, 1997
About the Poems by John Thompson, 1998
Beyond/Within: A Review by Margaret Chula, 2000
The Rengay Verse Form by Joan Zimmerman, 2002 (overview of rengay)
Rengay by Garry Gay, 2003 (by rengay’s inventor, from In Good Company)
Rengay: A Journey into Symbiotic Poetry by Deborah P Kolodji, 2004
The Rengay / Das Rengay by Gerd Börner, 2006 (in English and German)
From Scifaiku to Rengay by Deborah P Kolodji, 2006
The Moment of Awe interview with Garry Gay by Udo Wenzel, 2006
Writing Rengay by Garry Gay, 2006 (an expansion of the In Good Company essay of 2003)
Rengay: The Art of Partnering by Carolyn Hall, 2007
Rengay by Garry Gay, 2011 (from Lighting the Global Lantern)
Rengay Afterword by Marleen Hulst and Bouwe Brouwer, 2012 (in English and Dutch)
Rengay by Garry Gay, 2020 (short overview from Sound of a Leaf)
A Word from Garry Gay by Garry Gay, 2021 (introduction to issue #1 of the rengay magazine, Tandem)
Rengay Website Review by John Thompson, 2023
Note: If you know of other essays about rengay that could be added, please contact Michael Dylan Welch.