
by Connie Donleycott and Michael Dylan Welch

First published in Frogpond 32:3, Fall 2009, page 49. Written on 12 July 2008 (first verse) and 15 July 2008 (remaining verses) by email, about our 11 July 2008 visit to the Olive Garden restaurant in Silverdale, Washington. On that date, we also wrote the “Off the Top of Our Heads” rengay with Alice Frampton.

different viewpoints—

we both order

the same entrée Connie

tasty appetizer

your foot touches mine Michael

endless salad

the first refill skimpy

on peppers Connie

ravioli di portobello—

yet again the waitress asks

if everything’s okay Michael

we say yes, then no

to tiramisu Connie

reaching simultaneously,

we almost tear

the bill in half Michael