Thump of a Rose
by Billie Dee, Josh Wikoff, and Michael Dylan Welch
Winner of an honourable mention in the 2009 Haiku Poets of Northern California rengay contest. In commenting on this rengay, judge Billie Wilson wrote that “‘Thump of a Rose’ is haunting and some of the verses are totally stunning.” First published in Mariposa #22, Spring/Summer 2010, page 29. Written on Facebook, 16–23 May 2009.
a dead friend’s name
on the tip of my tongue Billie
hissing, a lava finger
enters the sea Josh
rustling aspen
mouse bones
in the barn-owl pellet Michael
a locust storm
above the field corn Billie
spawned out
each stone in the river
lends its voice Josh
the thump of a rose
on the child’s casket Michael