The Tour Boat’s Wake
The Tour Boat’s Wake
by Michael Dylan Welch and Billie Dee
Honourable mention in the Haiku Poets of Northern California’s 2022 rengay contest. First published in Mariposa #49, Autumn–Winter 2023, page 33. Originally written from May to July 2020, by email.
San Diego Zoo—
a slow line
for the pandas Michael
a row of make-out cars
at Sunset Cliffs Billie
the Coronado Bridge
curving over sailboats . . .
the tour boat’s wake Michael
sun glint on bay chop . . .
we paddle our kayaks past
the USS Midway Billie
low-riders on parade
in Old Town Michael
orchid show—
the Spreckels Organ
shakes Balboa Park Billie